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Complaints Procedure

This complaints procedure is aimed at resolving complaints quickly and satisfactorily and to further improving the quality of our service.


Our complaints procedure covers complaints which you may wish to make about the services we have provided to you and how we have dealt with your creditors and financial situation. If you are unhappy with the service, we have provided you, you should in the first instance discuss the situation with one of the Dexter Bell Team on 01618658400. 


Should you be dissatisfied with the explanation they have provided then the complaint will be passed to a senior manager. If the senior manager is unable to deal with your complaint to your satisfaction, please formalise your complaint in writing for full review of the circumstances. You can send this to us via post, email or WhatsApp. 

Post 500 Kings Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 8JT
WhatsApp 07399 732821

  • The written complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days or receipt and every effort will be made to reach a resolution within 10 working days. 

  • The content of the complaint will be investigated. We may need to contact you for further information as part of that investigation. We are committed to resolving your complaint fairly and quickly. We will try to resolve your complaint by listening to you to understand what has gone wrong.

  • Once all information has been gathered you will be contacted to advise you if your complaint is upheld, partially upheld, or rejected. 

  • In the event of the complaint being upheld or partially upheld you will be advised of how the company will correct the complaint and what steps they will take to ensure the issue does not occur again. Any losses incurred by the client will be taken into consideration. 

  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days. However, in some instances the investigation may take longer. If this is the case, you will be informed of the increase in timescale for resolving your complaint.


We hope you will be happy with our response. However, if you are not at this stage, you will be eligible to refer the matter to the financial ombudsman service or seek independent advice.


Dexter Bell has an experienced and friendly team who are responsible for the day to day running of your debt management plan.  If you need to speak to us about your account or any of your creditors, they can be contacted on 0161 865 8400 or you can email on 


If at any stage, you feel you require some independent advice this is available from Money Helper.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free independent service, and they can help with most financial complaints. However, there are some limitations on what the Financial Ombudsman Service can investigate, and further information about this can be obtained from them directly.


Our aim is to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you are not satisfied with our suggested resolution, or if 8 weeks have passed since you first brought your complaint to our attention, you have the right to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you want the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into your complaint, you must usually contact them within six months of the date of any final response issued.


How to get in touch with the Financial Ombudsman

Post The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

Telephone 0800 023 4567



Further helpful information can be obtained from visiting the Financial Ombudsman Service website.


About Dexter Bell

Dexter Bell Associates Limited, a company registered in England and Wales: 06711658

Registered Office: 500 Kings Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 8JT

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: 663030

Data Protection Registration: Z3275413


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Complaints Procedure
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Contact Us


​Call 0161 865 8400
WhatsApp 07399 732821


Debt Solution Centre - Office Hours


Monday | 9.30 am - 5 pm
Tuesday | 9.30 am - 7 pm
Wednesday | 9.30 am - 5 pm
Thursday | 9.30 am - 7 pm
Friday | 9.30 am - 3.30 pm

© 2023 Dexter Bell Associates Ltd

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